Ear aesthetics; It is the operation performed in case the bend of the ear is insufficient. Our ears can sometimes seem large to us because they are very prominent forward. But their sizes are normal. 80-90% of ear development is completed by the age of 6. The ear is a serious cosmetic problem that affects people’s psychology and social communication.

Many sociological studies have shown that students who were ridiculed by their friends because of their ears during childhood and school years have a lower school success and tend to move away from school. Protruding ears, which restrict women’s freedom to wear hair, generally create a tendency for men to wear long hair.

Why does prominent ear occur?

The ear has a very special curved structure. Roughly two different factors cause prominent ears to form. The first of these is that the folds of the ear have insufficient angulation, and the second is that the ear cartilages are larger than normal. The surgical techniques that need to be applied for two different situations are also different from each other.

Choosing the right patient…

As a result of the studies, the most important criterion for success in prominent ear surgeries is choosing the right technique for the right patient.

Each technique has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it would not be right to say that any technique is better than others. The most correct technique for different patients and ears may differ from each other.

*Therefore, knowing all the techniques very well and deciding which technique should be preferred for which patient is very important for a successful result.

How is Prominent Ear Aesthetics Performed?

There may be different problems in the patient’s ear that cause protrusion. In cases where the problem is caused by simple reasons, the ear can be brought to the desired shape with a procedure that takes approximately 20 minutes, without making an incision.

In cases where the problem is larger, it may be necessary to make an incision in the ear and shape it, and in this case, the surgery time may take up to 40-50 minutes. The incisions are usually made behind the ear and thus heal without leaving a scar.

How is prominent ear aesthetics performed in adults?

After adult prominent ear surgery, the hard ear cartilage may want to return to its original state, so millimetric openings may be observed after the surgery. Due to this feature, preoperative calculations are made and applied by taking the hardness of the cartilage into consideration in planning adult surgeries.

Since the ear cartilage is softer at a young age, it is easier to treat the protruding appearance and the success of the surgery is higher at a young age. However, prominent ear aesthetic treatment can be applied successfully at older ages thanks to the surgical techniques we have today, so do not think that it is too late.

After adult prominent ear surgery, the hard ear cartilage may want to return to its original state, so millimetric openings may be observed after the surgery. Due to this feature, preoperative calculations are made and applied by taking the hardness of the cartilage into consideration in planning adult surgeries.

Prominent Ears in Children

Protruding ear surgery in children is a situation that should not be postponed. While postponing the surgery reduces the success of the operation, it also increases the risks.

Many children with prominent ear problems may become the subject of ridicule and psychological damage from their friends from the first day they start school. While this situation reduces children’s success in classes, their social communication is also greatly damaged.

As a result of scientific studies; Due to social pressures in the environment, children become individuals who withdraw from school and do not want to be friends with anyone.

Why Should Prominent Ear Surgery Be Performed in Children at an Early Age?

It is known that people’s tolerance and adaptation to plastic surgery is higher at younger ages. An adult who has lived with the problem of prominent ears for 35 years and encountered the same image every time he looks in the mirror will have difficulty in adapting to the changes that occur after prominent ear surgery in a short time.

However, it will be much easier for the child to adapt to the results and visual changes of plastic surgeries performed in childhood. We see this in all evolution and life of human beings.

“The proverb ‘A tree bends when it is young’ is a good saying that reveals this adaptation difference and summarizes the subject.”

When Can I Return to Daily Life After Prominent Ear Surgery?

There are serious differences between adults and children in their daily lifestyles after prominent ear surgery.
The bandage that adults need to use for 2-3 days after surgery can become a problem in their social and business lives. In this case, they may need to get permission from their workplace.
But for children, it is easier to use tape, an elastic bandage or a head wrap. The recovery period after prominent ear surgery is much easier.

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